People have many reasons for wanting pets in their lives. For Bill and Wanda, both avid outdoor people who enjoy hiking, biking, and bird watching, having a dog means including her in their vacations as well. Lucy, a 7-year-old rescue, was spotted on-line by Wanda when the pup was just two months old. “Her large, brown eyes instantly captured me,” Wanda recalls of the Poodle/Australian Shepherd mix.
Since joining the family, Lucy has seen most of the American northwest and recently accompanied her humans to San Antonio, Texas, on a road trip that meandered through Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Traveling with Lucy requires careful planning but Wanda says that some of her happiest vacation memories include Lucy or one of her predecessors. Their family tradition started in the 1970s with a Golden Retriever named Willie. After all these decades, “It feels unnatural to be on a trail or a beach without a dog,” Wanda states.
Lucy knows when Bill and Wanda are preparing to go away and when the day finally arrives, she is seated by the front door to ensure they don’t forget her. By then, Wanda has carefully researched the trip on-line, scouting for dog-friendly campsites, beaches, and parks; nearby kennels in case Lucy needs to be boarded for several hours or a day; and veterinarians in the event of an emergency. Many national parks have increased restrictions in recent years regarding where dogs are allowed and if they can be off-leash. Knowing this information in advance helps minimize problems and make the best use of time.
When traveling with a dog, Wanda stresses the importance of considering the canine’s welfare and enjoyment. Wanda would not include Lucy on an urban adventure that involved many indoor activities and required her to be left alone in the RV or boarded most of the time. Weather is also taken under consideration with the couple choosing to travel during spring or fall to avoid extreme temperatures that can pose health problems for pets. For her safety, Lucy has a harness that is attached to the seat belt in case of a car accident. Easy access to a spill-proof water dish in the small RV plus her own blanket round out her comforts.
Though it sounds labor intensive, Wanda says the rewards are well worth it. They have stopped at many interesting locations they would have sped past if Lucy didn’t need a break. And years ago while traveling across country with Willie, the Golden Retriever, they were also the recipients of an act of kindness resulting from having Willie with them. When their 1967 VW bus broke down and left them stranded at a campsite in Elco, Nevada, Willie made friends with two fellow campers. After several days passed and the local mechanic could not repair the car, these campers offered to tow Bill, Wanda, and Willie to Salt Lake City for a quick fix that would allow them to continue their journey. Wanda credits Willie for igniting this good will between humans.
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